Monday, January 01, 2007

RAN Toshiya Matsukawa: Burning - dedication to Randy Rhoads Japón

1. Named 1986 - Without you
2. Night of the beast
3. Get the free
4. Second diamond
5. Illusion
6. Ball and chain
7. Starless sea
8. Violet sweet
9. Crisis


kaze said...

Thanks so much to upload this cd. I'm a big fan of this artist and was wondering how I could get this album songs since it's really rare. However, this artist name is RAN not Ron please correct it.

metalmaster said...

Thanx for the comments and the correction. A finger-mistake. Fixed!

ElDemogno said...

Esta harto bueno el disco, desconocía su existencia, en el metal todos lo días se pueden redescubrir bandas y músicos clásicos

se agradece

Anonymous said...

...please where can I buy a unicorn?

JAG PANZER - From basement (rehearsals)